"I am Number Thirty"

Written By: Michael Niad

The sudden burst of bright light indicated that a new wave of assault was imminent. Bracing myself I looked to my left and then to my right to check that the others were ready too.

"Here we go boys...INCOMING!"

The first strike rained down all around, debris flying everywhere making it difficult to see, but we held strong in our formation, lined up all in a row like good little soldiers. Some have broken formation a bit, battle fatigued over the years. We have been fighting this battle as long as I can remember. I look around, shocked to find some of the boys missing! I suppose fighting against this seemingly eternal onslaught over enough time, casualties are inevitable.

The fellow in front of me I don't even recognize anymore. I just call him #29. Half human, half metal, he's had multiple surgeries to replace his battered and broken bits. Still he fights on, relentless. I'm proud to serve alongside him.

The valiant crusader behind me is a true warrior. He wears a special golden armor that the rest of us don't have and it makes him nearly invincible so far as I can tell. I've seen massive amounts of shrapnel slam down on and around him, yet he shrugs it off as if it were less than a mere nuisance. I sometimes wish for battle gear like this, but to be awarded it you must first become among the worst of the wounded. I prefer to stay whole if I can. So far I have been fortunate.

The stark white light illuminates the battlefield again and I prepare once more for whatever barrage with which the enemy assails us. This time it's hot like napalm! 

The battlefield is scorched, but our formation remains strong as the light fades and what appears to be weaponized magma washes over the ranks and away, swallowed into the dark of night.

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take, but I know I will never give up. None of us will. Eventually there will be a cease fire. There always is, even if it gives us only a modicum of rest. Sometimes it is just a few hours but we relish those moments.

I gaze at the scorched and damaged ground around me from that last assault and harden my resolve. What more can you do? I am a simple tooth. A molar in fact called number thirty, and it is hot soup and sandwich day.